Weekly Blog Newsletter from Markets of Sunshine! We love bringing you Eco-Friendly products each week in our giveaway contest.
Buyers Club Special Offer!
VIP Deal: The first 30 people to sign-up in our Buyer's club in May, will receive a gift bag with 5 of our Eco-Friendly handmade gifts, just for joining! The savings continues all year! You'll continue to receive one handmade gift each month for the next 11 months! Click here to take advantage of this special savings offer!
Featured vendor this week is Cindy from CJWDesignVillage! Learn what she has to offer in the interview below.
For Details, click here.
Be sure to sign-up for our newsletter on the home page of the website so you won't miss a contest or our DIY projects and recipes in each issue. Plus, get exclusive coupons from our sponsors.

Just For You
Open your weekly blog newsletter from the Markets of Sunshine and receive a special coupon to buy one of our gift bags for 20% off!
Featured Artist is Cindy from CJWDesignVillage
a Rafflecopter giveaway
1. What made you decide to open your own Etsy shop?
I opened my Etsy shop because I was making jewelry as a hobby. And had started building up stock. I thought what am I going to do with this jewelry, and a relative had recommended Etsy. So I went on Etsy and liked what I saw and opened my own shop.
2. What has been your biggest challenge as an independent shop owner?
Getting my shop's name out to the public. Promotion is an ongoing process. Always looking for opportunities to promote my shop.
3. What do you enjoy the most about being a part of Market of Sunshine co-op?
What I enjoy about being a part of Market of Sunshine co-op is the true friends I have made. Everyone works and play so well together. And I think that is part of the reason that we have grown to where we are today. That and a lot of hard work.
Contest Gift!
The contest will begin shortly
Cindy will be giving away a brand new item from her shop.
A brown and yellow glass bead necklace.
What's New!
Our new "Weekly Specials" page, click here is ready for you to check out! Here is how it will work. Each week I'll post the discounts in our newsletter for the shops found on our "Weekly Specials" page. These will be exclusive offers for our newsletter subscribers only! So, you'll want to be sure and open it to read all of the exciting offers available to you each week from our vendor's.
Our new "Weekly Specials" page, click here is ready for you to check out! Here is how it will work. Each week I'll post the discounts in our newsletter for the shops found on our "Weekly Specials" page. These will be exclusive offers for our newsletter subscribers only! So, you'll want to be sure and open it to read all of the exciting offers available to you each week from our vendor's.
Exclusive New Offer! See what we have added new on the Weekly Specials page. Try before you buy offers! Get them while they last!
Ready to show off your handiwork to the world? Become a vendor of our Marketplace here!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I am new to your blog, but have seen your products and like being able to see what I am buying. You all do wonderful work!