New! Metallic Seasons Collection!!
The end of Summer is only a month away. Yippie! I know everyone is happy about that fact. But, did you hear the news? We have a brand new product line that we rolled out over the weekend in our Etsy shop, Markets of Sunshine just for your Fall celebrations with family and friends.
It's all about metallic this season. Copper, gold and silver are center stage in this new collection of wallets and envelopes. Don't let go of your budget while planning all those special events. Keep a tight hold on your spending and use one of our cash envelope system wallets and envelopes to plan out how much you will budget on each occasion. That way when the new year rolls around you can still be of good cheer and not feeling down in the dumps because of those extra high credit card balances staring you in the face.
Decide now how much you will set aside for each occasion. Save up the cash in one of our new flashy wallets and then you'll be singing your favorite tunes with a smile on your face all year long. Now doesn't that make more sense than crying all the way to the bank!
Discover a gift or two for a friend or family member while you are picking out your jazzy new wallet. We even add in a bill tracker or budget sheet for you to keep track of your savings and spending every step of the way. Now that's a real deal!
What are you waiting for?
Head over to Markets of Sunshine
and treat yourself and a friend
to our Metallic Seasons Collection today!
Sending You Sunshine,
Marsha J.