Crazy Flash Sale! Today Only!
Today Only! Act Fast!!!! Going Quick!!! Flash Sale! Amazing Crazy Offer! Act Fast Quantities Limited! Get $15 worth of handmade products for just the cost of shipping and handling! Today Only!!!! Grab it here!
Are you addicted to subscription clubs? We have three great clubs for you to choose from at Markets of Sunshine Gift of the Month Club! Wahoo!
First, Our exclusive handmade gifts subscription! Woot!!! You get up to five full size products each month at a retail value of up to $45.00 for just the price of shipping and handling! No other club offers such a great deal.
Second, Our exclusive DIY Scrapbook & Card Making Club subscription! Wahoo!!! You get a box full of supplies to make six cards and six scrapbook pages each month! They come in our all occasion themes to match our handmade gift club. Retail value is $25.00 plus shipping and handling.
Third, Our exclusive Direct Sales Club subscription! Woohoo!!!! You get one full size product from one of these three popular companies (Thirty-One Gifts, Dove Chocolate or Tealightful Tea) each month and two samples with a retail value of $25.00 plus shipping and handling.
At Markets of Sunshine we combine eco-friendly products in with each gift subscription. So, whether you select our handmade gifts, diy projects, or the direct sales collection you will be receiving eco-friendly products in each package. We really care about you and the environment!
***********Flash Sale - 3 Days Only!*********************
Get One of these exclusive handmade beaded gift tags or note cards for only $3.50 includes shipping! U.S. only Regular price $5.00 each! Hurry Only 10 available at this price! Click here to purchase!
Free Shipping Each Month
Did you see last weeks post about our special offer each vendor from Markets of Sunshine gave to our customer's? If you missed it, go to this link and check it here!
We are going to continue this special each month for one week during all of 2014! We love passing on savings to you whenever we can as our way of saying: Thanks!
Special Offers
Everyone is looking for great gifts to give Teacher's, workmates, friends and family. Why not give them a gift subscription to our 'Gift of the Month Club'? This is the last week to get our handmade gifts by mail starting at $15 a month for the first month and $20 for each month thereafter.
The price will increase to $30 a month January 1, 2014, so don't wait, start your subscription today!
Markets of Sunshine Newsletter
Have you signed up for our newsletter? If not, do so today at this link, click here! Each week our newsletter subscribers get a reminder that we have our latest blog post ready for them to read. This is a great way to find out our latest specials and what new vendors have joined our Gift of the Month Club program.
Etsy Team
Our Etsy team is growing with new vendors and shoppers! We have over 36 vendors on our team! Did you know that you can join as a customer/buyer without having a shop on Etsy? Click here to join our great team and support handmade artists from Markets of Sunshine and all over the world.
Fun Facts
We find that this time of year we all get a little moody. Here are some great ways to fight off those blues with healthy food and exercise tips. Here are some great tips from a popular health website I follow.
Limit refined carbohydrates. Concentrated sources of sugar, like soda, candy, fruit juice, jam, and syrups, can cause radical spikes (and drops) in your blood sugar, which ultimately leave you feeling grumpy and tired. Refined starches, such as white bread, crackers, bagels, and rice, often produce the same effect because they break down quickly in your digestive system to form blood sugar. Stick with whole-grain versions of these foods, which are digested more slowly because of their higher fiber content and which therefore keep your blood sugar stable.
Combine high-quality carbohydrates with lean protein. Protein combined with high-fiber carbohydrates (specifically those rich in soluble fiber, like oats, barley, and certain fruits and veggies) has the ability to slow the absorption of sugar in your blood and lessen mood swings. Try an egg-white omelet loaded with veggies for breakfast, grilled chicken and peppers in a whole-grain tortilla for lunch, shrimp-broccoli stir-fry for dinner, and celery sticks with peanut butter or nonfat yogurt with berries as snacks.
In addition to the role food can play in regulating your blood sugar, studies have shown that certain nutrients in food can positively affect mood. Indeed, some nutrients influence the function of specific neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) in the brain.
Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid.
Omega-3 fatty acids are present in the brain at higher levels than any other part of the body, and of particular interest is the ability of omega-3 fats to help alleviate depression. Omega-3 fats can be found in fatty fish like wild salmon, sardines, and Atlantic mackerel, and to a lesser extent in ground flaxseeds, walnuts, and omega-3-fortified eggs. If you'd like to try fish oil supplements, consult your physician.
Folic acid, also called folate, also seems to be important in regulating mood, and some studies have shown that low levels of this B vitamin in the blood are related to depression. If you're experiencing the blues on a regular basis, you should report this to your doctor. But if you're having some transitory moodiness, try to include leafy greens, fortified breakfast cereal, sunflower seeds, soybeans, beets, and oranges — all of which are rich in folic acid — into your diet. Also, consider a multivitamin that provides 100 percent of the daily value for folic acid.
We hope you have enjoyed this weeks blog post with Markets of Sunshine. Tune in each week for more great happenings from your favorite Artists in our Gift of the Month Club!
Visit out sponsors shop: DLA Bead Design
Sending You Sunshine & Blessings for the Week!
Marsha Jaramillo