Friday, October 22, 2021

How To Start A Friendship Garden For Pollinators


This backyard friendship garden has been placed right next to the patio for easy access all year long.

Fall has arrived here in Central Florida nearly a month ago and brought with it the much-needed drop in daily temperatures.  Instead of the sauna temps of the '90s and high humidity, we are now enjoying lower humid days and temps in the '80s.

While the last year and a half have not been easy for any of us it has brought up the reality that we need each other more than we ever imagined.  It was easy to overlook our friends when things were going well for us and we could go about our day without the thought or a care about any harm coming our way.

It was also easy to overlook the space around us that we call home.  Whether we own or rent we all have a place we call ours.  When you are leaving your job at the end of the day you tell everyone I'm going "home" now.  When you go on a vacation you know you will return home feeling like you need another vacation to recover from the one you just took.

A friendship garden is a place to preserve memories of the ones that have a special meaning and place 
in your life through a variety of plants and items.

A friendship garden is easy to start.  Here are a few simple steps to help you get started off on the right foot.


You can choose an indoor or outdoor location.  It really is up to you and what you can afford or have time to devote to your garden.  You want it to be easy to access and cultivate.  If you make it too far away from where you normally would walk you'll soon lose interest and the garden will never get off the ground.

Invite Your Friends

So the obvious thing you will need to make this friendship garden work is friends!
Get out your list of names and addresses and send them a text or card in the mail inviting them to be a part of your friendship garden.  You can send them something too and encourage them to join in the fun.

Start a garden journal and keep a good record of who you invited and who sent you something for your garden. When and where you placed it in the garden and if it is a plant write down the progress of growth.  When did it first bloom? How long did the flowers last? What kind of care did each plant need and so on.  Take photos and put them in your journal or if you know how to draw well enough to know what something is then by all means document your garden with your own personal touch.

I'd love to be a part of your friendship garden.  So please think about joining my 52 Week Snail Mail Challenge and Poem Challenge.

If you would like to take part, just sign-up for my newsletter, here.  Then you can send me an email letting me know you would like to take part in this fun project.
Together we can encourage one another by cultivating our friendship and our garden at the same time!

Sending You Sunshine!

Markets of Sunshine

Friday, October 15, 2021

What Makes A Good Friend? - Actions Speak Louder Than Words!


Talk Is Cheap

Did you ever see the movie My Fair Lady starring Audrey Hepburn?  Do you remember the song she sang to professor Higgins, "words, words all I hear are words"...
What was she wanting?  She wanted him to take action and show her how he felt about her and she hoped he felt the same way about her that she felt about him.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

In other words, she wanted action!  When she didn't get it what did she do?  Packed up her bags and left!  Did she find what she was looking for out there in the cold world?  Nope!  In the end, she came back to the place that she called "home" and to be by his side just as before.  We were left to fill in the blanks about what happened next.  But, I imagined that they became good friends and that she eventually found a younger man to marry and lived happily ever after.  The end!

What Makes A Good Friend?

So that leads me into my story for today.  What makes a good friend?  That's what we are going to talk about in this week's podcast here at Markets of Sunshine.  Hi, I'm your host Marsha.  Welcome Back!

I've discovered something interesting in my #52weeksnailmailchallenge and #52weekpoemchallenge that I started a few weeks ago.  You want to know what I discovered.  That people want to take action and nurture the friendships that they have but they don't know how to do it.  And, even if they are given the steps and reasons why they should they still won't take the action and put forth the effort it takes to be a good friend to keep a good friend.  

So, I did some research and found an excellent article that I think all of you will benefit from.  All of the information is taken from an ancient book of wisdom.  If you apply the advice you are guaranteed that you will become a good friend so that you can then keep a good friend.  That is a gift worth working to gain.  Wouldn't you agree?

Here are 7 key elements about building a meaningful friendship that I think you will find helpful both to yourself and for the friends you currently have and will gain in the future by applying this advice.

Friday, October 8, 2021

52-Week Poem Challenge! Markets of Sunshine Podcast Episode 10

 Hello Writing Friends!

 Welcome to the 52-Week Poem Challenge hosted by Markets of Sunshine and featured in episode 10 of our weekly podcast.  I hope you are all doing well this week.  It's been so exciting to see all of you listening to the podcast here each week.  Thank You so much!  

Calling All Writers and Want To Be Poets

Today we are kicking off part two in our 52-Week Snail Mail Challenge.  It is called the 52-Week Poem Challenge.  So it goes hand and hand with the other challenge.  It will be so easy to do and for you to take part in as well.  

Are you ready?  Let's go!  If you would like to take part in the challenge all you need to do is sign-up for my email newsletter.  Or, if you are already a subscriber then be on the lookout for your invitation to take part in this challenge via email soon.

I'll have all the details for you coming in an email on Monday, October 11, 2021.

That gives me the weekend to finalize all the details and to contact those who are already on my email list and respond back to me.  I am looking for 51 or more friends to join in the challenge.  I hope you will be one of them.

Be sure to check out the YouTube video coming in the next blog post that explains how to participate in further details.  Stay tuned!

Next, I have launched a brand new 10-piece product line in my Etsy shop, Markets of Sunshine.

I hope you will come on over to take a look at this collection that I made just for you.  It's called the Cozy Season Collection.  It has everything you need to keep in touch with friends and family through good old-fashioned snail mail.  

So that's it. Short and sweet.  I would love to hear from you that you want to join in the challenge.  Just leave me a comment below and I'll be sure to get you all the details.

Keep Creating In the Sunshine,


Friday, October 1, 2021

52 Week Challenge - Invite To Win Snail Mail Challenge!

 52 Week Challenge - Invite to win snail mail challenge!

Welcome to the Markets of Sunshine podcast.  I'm your host, Marsha.  In today's episode, we are going to be talking about where we've been and where we're going next.  Stick around to find out how you can take part in this new 52-week challenge.

So we have finished up our list of the "7 Essential Creative Habits to Unlock Your Creativity"!
That was a fun journey for me and I hope so for you too.  Today, we are kicking off our 52-week challenge.  Invite to Win Giveaway!  It has two parts.  The first part of the challenge is for you to send out 52 letters and cards in the mail.  Where ever you live in the world you can join in the fun.

The second part of the challenge is an invitation from me to you.  I'm inviting you to join my private Facebook group, Markets of Sunshine <<<click here <<<< and to follow me on Instagram <<<click
Here's where the real fun begins...I'm going to be giving away 52, $5 coupon codes during this challenge.  One per person.  

When I receive your card or letter in the mail I will send you the $5 coupon code via email.  So be sure to write your email address on the card for me so that I can send it to you.  It will have a 30-day expiration date.  So don't delay use it right away.  Otherwise, you will lose it.

To find out my mailing address all you have to do is one of these two things.  Become a customer of mine in my Etsy shop, Markets of Sunshine <<<click to shop now <<< or Join my mailing list and you'll find my mailing address at the bottom of the Newsletter.

The second way to win a prize from me, which will be one of my handmade gifts is to join my private Facebook group, Markets of Sunshine, or follow me on Instagram and invite your friends and followers to join too.  I will hold a weekly drawing and everyone who has invited someone and they have joined or followed me will be put in a drawing and one person will win the gift that week.

So in other words you have 52 opportunities to win a prize from me over the next 52 weeks.  So keep inviting each week for your chance to win a gift from me.  Are you excited about this 52-week challenge?  I know I am!

So, let's talk about the incoming happy mail I have been receiving already.  Thank you to Kayla, Annette, and Fran for sending me a beautiful letter and card in the mail.  I've already sent them their $5 coupon code.  You made my day brighter and filled my heart with gratitude and joy!

Well folks that's all the news for this week!  I want to Thank You for tuning in and making this podcast a success.

Keep Creating In the Sunshine!  Unlock Your Creativity!

Sending You Sunshine,


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Embrace Imperfection To Unlock Your Creativity

 For the last seven weeks, we have been talking about 7 Creative Ways To Unlock Your Creativity.  How have you been doing?  Did you find this helpful?  Let me know in the comments section below.  Now on with the show!

Welcome! to the Markets of Sunshine podcast.  I'm your host, Marsha and I'm so glad that you are here with me today.  

Embrace Imperfection To Unlock Your Creativity

Do you ever find yourself comparing what you've done with what someone else did?  I know I've been guilty of that a time or two.  But, when we do that it only makes us feel miserable and does not help us feel good at all about ourselves.  So we need to stop doing that right now!

So how do we stop this comparison game?

We look for the God-given gifts that we do have and embrace those instead.  That stops the comparison game dead in its tracks.  

Scroll down and click that big green play button and catch the entire episode now!

Stay safe and keep those creative juices flowing.

Sending You Sunshine,


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Daydreaming Does Wonders For Your Creativity - Episode 7 Markets of Sunshine Podcast

7 Creative habits to unlock your creativity - #6 Daydreaming 

We are talking about the "7 Creative Habits to Unlock Your Creativity" through various quick and easy ways that you can incorporate into your life each day.  Let's dive into habit #6 on our list of seven.  It's all about daydreaming and using our imagination just like we did when we were young.  Do you remember that?

I can remember back in 3rd grade and getting in trouble many times for daydreaming.  The problem was my eyes.  I sat at the back of the classroom and could not see the writing on the blackboard.  I would squint until my eyes went blurry, and then I'd get bored and start looking out the window and start daydreaming.  

Between the teacher and my Mother, the problem was finally figured out, and a trip to the eye doctor and a pair of glasses solved the issue.  So the moral of the story is that we all have the inborn ability to use our imagination to take us somewhere when we are feeling stuck.

So here is what I want you to do this week.  Get out in nature or look out a window at nature and let your imagination take you to a place you love or would like to visit in the future.  Set a timer, and when the timer goes off, your brain will automatically bring you back to reality.  Next, I want you to do whatever you love to do that makes you feel creative.  Set the timer again for however long you have to devote to this thing.  

Get on the list for lots of creative goodness

Start doing this regularly with all of the Creative Habits that I've shared with you thus far, and before you know it, they will become a natural part of your daily routine.  Isn't that cool!  Want to get the list of "7 Creative Habits To Unlock Your Creativity" delivered to your email inbox?  Simply sign-up for our free newsletter here!  

I hope that you have been enjoying this new podcast addition to the Markets of Sunshine family.  We love bringing you useful content that helps you feel joy and gratitude through nature.

Keep Creating In The Sunshine!

Stay Safe!


Friday, September 10, 2021

52 Week Snail Mail Challenge - Episode 6 - 7 Creative Habits to Unlock Your Creativity

 Welcome! to the Markets of Sunshine podcast.  

I'm your host, Marsha.  Join me today for Episode 6 and learn the 5th Habit on our 7 Creative Habits to Unlock Your Creativity list.  It's all about keeping in touch with those we are grateful for and what they do that benefits our lives.

Are you ready?  Let's go!

I'm kicking off a 52 Week Snail Mail Challenge for 2021 and 2022 from September 13, 2021, to September 13, 2022.  You're invited to participate in this Creative Habit to help you have more gratitude and unlock those stuck creative moments.

Here are the rules for following along in the challenge.

  1. Pick up your September Embellishments Kit Club (or any item in my Etsy shop), >>> click Markets of Sunshine <<<< I'll mail you the worksheet for the 52 Week Snail Mail Challenge with your order.  This is just a way for you to show your support to my small business and the different ways I'm sharing with you to Unlock Your Creativity!
  2. Send me your first "Daily Sunshine" postcard (starting September 13, 2021) using one of the artwork prints in the kit. (use my mailing address on the package) 
  3. Write on the postcard - What makes you grateful for Markets of Sunshine? 
  4. Write on the postcard which one of my Etsy shops is your favorite.
  5. Then mail out one postcard every week from September 20, 2021, to September 13, 2022, to someone on your list of 52 names and addresses.  Ask them the same #3 question above but change Markets of Sunshine to What makes me grateful for you is __________.  Then ask them to write you back and tell you, "What makes them grateful for you?"  See what good results come back to you.
  6. Once I receive your postcard, I'll send you a postcard with your $5 Etsy shop credit code to use in the Etsy shop that you wrote on your postcard that you sent me.  There will be a 30-day expiration date for this coupon code.
  7. You Can join in the fun any time throughout the year between September 13, 2021, to September 13, 2022.

Are you in?  Leave me a comment below telling me so, and don't forget to pick up your September Embellishments Kit Club today!

Check out my 2018, 52 Week Snail Mail Challenge here <<<<<<

Sending You Sunshine,


Friday, September 3, 2021

Where Can You Write To Unlock Your Creativity? Episode 5 Markets of Sunshine Podcast

 Where Can You Write To Unlock Your Creativity?

Does location matter?  That's what we are going to dive into in today's podcast episode.

There are so many times and places throughout our day to take a moment and write down what we are grateful for that day in our Gratitude Journal.  But, we don't want to get in a rut and only write indoors.  In today's podcast episode, I'm going to share with you some fun ways to unlock your Creativity by taking your journal on a little trip.

Are you ready?  Click that play button below, and let's get started on our journey.  Don't forget to bring your Gratitude journal along and a fancy pen to write with.  By the way, I happen to have some beautiful beaded pens in my Etsy shop for you that will make your writing more enjoyable.  But, if you only have a plain pen, that will work too.  Giggle!

Come on over and visit my shop today.  Just click here >>> Markets of Sunshine <<<< 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

82 Gratitude Journal Prompts That Are Sure To Unlock Your Creativity

 Anyone can be a writer. Pick up this September Embellishments Kit Club that features a fancy beaded pen and enough papers to give you plenty of room to write.  When you use the add-on list of 82 Gratitude Journal prompts that I included for you in my Etsy shop, the words will begin to pour out from your grateful heart. You'll also notice you will start to feel more content and happier each day.

Get outside in the Sunshine each day to unlock your creativity.

Being in nature is all the medicine I need to help me feel calm and safe. I started a #dailysusnhinechallenge over on my Instagram page to help other people who were feeling stuck. Join me in a community movement designed to help you feel confident and motivated. You are not alone on this Creative journey.

Pick up your Daily Sunshine Journal Prompts list and September Embellishments kit club today. Join me and others in this life-changing activity.

Visit my Etsy shop, Markets of Sunshine here:

Don't stop here.  Keep going.  How about that list of 82 Gratitude Journal Prompts <<<click <<< that I use.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Unlock Your Creativity Habit #3 Markets of Sunshine Podcast Episode 4

 Hello! Welcome! to the Markets of Sunshine Podcast Episode 4

Today I'm going to share with you the #3 Habit that will help you to Unlock Your Creativity.  I'll share some of my personal ways that I found that helped me as I home schooled my daughter to unlock our Creativity.  I made sure that she had fun everyday!

Whatever it is that you call fun is up to you.  Don't let anyone tell you what your fun should look like.  Take a good look at what you already have fun doing.  Maybe it's going to the movies with your friends or family.  Or, maybe you just like reading a good book.  Fun doesn't have to be with others.  It can be just by yourself.

Include fun don't exclude fun!  All work and no play makes life dull.  So, I'm giving you permission to have fun everyday of the week.  Having fun is what gets me out of bed everyday.  Just knowing that I'm going to record my podcast on Friday is fun.  Monday through Thursday I know I'm going to record my YouTube videos. That's fun!  I know on Saturday and Sunday I'm going to spend time with my husband and do fun things together in our house and yard. That's fun!

So grab yourself a beautiful journal from my Etsy shop Markets of Sunshine and write down these three Creative Habits that help you unlock your Creativity and review them each day.  No matter if you are a Teacher, a Supervisor and a Mom.  You can use these tips to unlock your Creativity and make your job more fun.

Go ahead and click that play button below and listen to the episode 4 "Unlock Your Creativity Habit #3" now!

Thank You for being here with me today.  

Keep Creating In The Sunshine!


Friday, August 20, 2021

7 Creative Habits To Unlock Your Creativity and Live a More Grateful and Organic Lifestyle!

 Hello! and Welcome! to the Markets of Sunshine Podcast.  I'm your host, Marsha and I'll be sharing with you step 2 in the "7 creative habits to unlock your creativity" and live a more grateful and organic lifestyle!

Are you ready?  Let's go!

Last week I shared with you the first creative habit to unlock your creativity. It was "stick to a routine" and I broke it down into baby steps for you so that you could make it happen.  In today's episode we will dive into the next step which is all about who you associate with.  That is so important because it is the second creative habit that you will need to cultivate in order to unlock your creativity and keep it flourishing.

So you might be thinking, okay Marsha "How do I do that"?  You look for people who are already living a grateful creative organic lifestyle and join them.  Surround yourself with them and learn from them.  Do what they do and try new things.  It will immediately unlock your inner child of learning and help you on your way to becoming a full grown Creative Soul.  You can then invite your friends to join you and the community will grow and grow.

To help you in this process I've started a successful Creative Community on Facebook.  It's called Markets of Sunshine.  Pretty easy, huh!  Here's the thing.  It's not for everyone.  It's by invitation only.  But, the qualifications are pretty easy for anyone who really wants to be a part of a true Creative Community.  All you need to do is be a Fan of Markets of Sunshine and all that it stands for.  

By that I mean you have Subscribed to my YouTube channel, Markets of Sunshine.  You are a Newsletter subscriber and you are now following this podcast. That's it!  Pretty simple, right!  Oh, and the last and most important thing is that you really Want to Unlock Your Creativity and be a part of a successful and safe community.

Inside the Markets of Sunshine Community you will be able to learn from me and try all of the different creative projects that I teach on my YouTube channel and as a Newsletter subscriber.  

The benefits of being a part of our community is that you will be in a safe environment that is free from all negative and competitive thinking.  It is about growing a community of like minded people who truly want to learn and share their skills with others.  So that we all grow and flourish together.

That's it for today.  See you soon!  Listen in to this weeks podcast at the button below.

Sending You Sunshine,


Friday, August 13, 2021

Daily Sunshine Challenge at Markets of Sunshine Podcast Episode 2

 Hello and Welcome!

I'm Marsha and I'm your host here at Markets of Sunshine Podcast.

Listen to today's episode 2 anytime, anywhere!  Let's go!

How do you unlock your creativity with Sunshine?  Well, the good news is I'm going to tell you how you can do that in this episode.

We all have a creative side inside of us just waiting to get out.  But, for many it's locked deep inside because of the way we live our life.  No worries.  It's easy to fix and I have the key for you to use to unlock the door to your inner child.

Come along with me as I share how you can use Sunshine to be more joyful and creative.  Here we go...

#1 - Make a routine.  I know that seems structured and you're right, it is!  That's what the brain loves, believe it or not.  So, how do you get started making a routine for your life?  Glad you asked.  

Push that play button and find out just how easy it is with the fun tips that I will share with you in this podcast episode #2.

Thanks for believing in me and letting me be a part of your day!

Sending You Sunshine,


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Markets Of Sunshine Launches Their Very First Podcast Episode Today!

 Help us celebrate a milestone in our small business journey.  Today we are proud to launch our very first podcast episode of the new Markets of Sunshine podcast channel.  We will be featuring monthly challenges focused on the Creative Community.  Each challenge will be designed to help you unlock your creativity and use it as therapy to improve your mental health.

Scroll to the bottom after you read the post to listen to today's episode announcement!

Whether, you are into crafting, sewing, cooking, gardening or painting etc... there will be something that you will be able to implement into your routine to stay focused and joyful.  This is not a sprint.  It's a marathon.  We are taking baby steps to reach our goals.  So don't say: "I can't!"  Say: "I'll try!"  and use each challenge as a stepping stone that builds on each other so that they can become full grown actions.

Our first challenge will begin on Friday, August 13, 2021 by 12 p.m. EST. with the "Daily Sunshine" theme.  I'll go over all the details at that time.  In the meantime, bookmark this page and follow my blog and Instagram accounts @marketsofsunshine_jw

Listen anytime, anywhere at the click of a button.

Here's our trailer episode for you to enjoy!

I hope you will support this new endeavor and help me continue to reach my goals one step at a time with the help of friends like you in the community of creative souls.

Keep Creating In The Sunshine!


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

My Best Craft Supplies and Tools For Beginners On A Budget


Knowing what craft and sewing supplies to buy is so important.  You want to have the highest rated and top quality that all the top crafter's are using. Am I right?!  You also might be asking yourself "What craft supplies should I buy on a budget?  What's the cheapest way to get started if you want to make Junk Journals?  What are the must have supplies for any crafter to have?

Here is My Best Craft Supplies and Tools List recommendation for beginners who are getting started on a budget that I use on my YouTube channel, Markets of Sunshine.

You can pick these up on Amazon for a great price at the links below:

Art Glitter Glue Bundle:

Mod Podge:

Scotch Shipping Tape Set:

Krylon Marbelizing (webbing) Spray 4oz Black Lava:

Webbing spray white:

Webbing spray Gold:

Silver Webbing Spray:

White Gesso:

Aleene's Tacky Glue 8 oz.:

Aleene's Tacky Glue 8 oz. Fine tip:

Corner rounder punch 5 mm:

Fiskars easy action scissors:

Large eye blunt sewing needles set:

Tim Holtz mini ink pads distress oxide:

Tim Holtz four pack ink pads:

Ranger Liquid Pearls set of 6:

Visit me on my YouTube channel and see these supplies in action Monday through Thursday and occasionally on the weekend.

Click here to Subscribe to my YouTube channel, Markets of Sunshine and learn from me how to make awesome gifts and decor out of all those supplies you have piled up in your craft room or dining room table.  

Sign up for my Free Monthly Newsletter that is chock full of tips and ideas for keeping your craft room organized.  Along with lots of cool freebies from my Etsy shop, Markets of Sunshine. click here

Disclaimer: I will make a small commission when you make a purchase using my affiliate links above.  This does not increase the cost to you at all.  Happy Shopping!


Friday, July 9, 2021

Junk Journal July Embellishments Kit Club


July Junk Journal Embellishments Kit Club $10 plus shipping

Inside you'll find four pockets filled with a variety of goodies for you to use when making your own Junk Journal.  There are handmade embellishments for tuck spots, pockets, altered paper clips, tags and more all inside this beautiful floral themed holder.

Be sure to Subscribe to my channel and Watch my presentation video on my YouTube channel, Markets of Sunshine. Then head on over to my Etsy shop and pick up your July Embellishments Kit today!

For the full list of what will come in your kit click the Shop Now button below.

Happy Crafting!

As a perk you'll get spoiled with lots of goodies which includes a 20% off discount code that you can use on your monthly kit and other purchases from my two Etsy shops.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Bohemian Junk Journal Embellishments Challenge

 Learn how to make a variety of pretty and wild embellishments in styles from around the world on my YouTube channel, Markets of Sunshine.  I've joined in a fun challenge with my crafting collab friend Lynda Coker.  Be sure to check out her YouTube channel and Subscribe so you don't miss any new videos in our series.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Altered Paper Clips Challenge - Twelve Weeks Of Creative Fun

 Join in the fun of making twelve decorative paper clips in this interactive Altered paper clips challenge hosted on Markets of Sunshine YouTube channel. <<<click

 Begins June 8, 2021 and ends September 7, 2021.  If you want to share your finished altered paper clip on social media for all to see please use the hashtag #mosalteredpaperclips

To join in the challenge simple Subscribe to our channel and follow along with each weeks design. There is a supplies list that you will need to follow.  You can pick up the PDF file in our Facebook Group Junk Journal Junction. <<<click

 Or, by signing up for  my free newsletter via email. <<<<Click the blue highlighted text <<<<

To watch the video click the link below.
While you're there please Subscribe to my channel and hit the bell so you don't miss any new videos. Thanks!

Did You Know You Can Crochet On Fabric? Learn How In This Video


If you've been crocheting for a while you might be looking for some new ideas of what you can make.
Here's a fun way to add pizzazz to any embellishment and turn boring into awesome!

Click the video below to watch this easy process.
P.S. While you're there would you mind Subscribing and hit the bell so you don't miss future videos.  thanks!