I love surprises don't you? I have a real special treat for you this week. It will be something really fun and we will continue to bring this new addition to you each week for the rest of this year. We are calling it our "Sunshine Cliffhanger" by Markets of Sunshine Artists.
"Spring is For Handmade from the Heart!"
Written by the Markets of Sunshine Artists
We hope you enjoy this heartfelt springtime story!
Tweet, tweet! Tawill! Tawilll!
Jean awakened to the sound of birds singing and thought "what a lovely way to start my day", too bad spring is not here yet!"
Crreeek!.....door opening......foot steps.......chiiish.....chair sliding on tile floor.......flop.....sits in chair!
While sitting at the table eating her breakfast Jean noticed how drab the table looked. What could brighten up this table, said Jean. "I know a pretty Springtime centerpiece with one of my fabric flower brooch's would really perk things up!"
Pink Floral and Lace Flower Brooch
After setting the flower on the table it looked so small. "That just won't do"! I know, I'll get my friends from the Markets of Sunshine to help me fill up this spot with something they've made to turn this into a unique and lovely centerpiece just in time for Spring decorarting"!
She decided to look at her journal where she'd sketched ideas and had included photos of home decorating ideas that she liked.
Journal set green handmade paper "season quote"
While drinking her cup of tea, she had her tea cup kitchen hand towel ready to wipe up any spills.
Ah, tea is so soothing! Sip! while sipping her tea, she decided to set the table with her matching set of table runner, placemats and napkins.
After having her tea and setting the table, she decided to make home made pasta for dinner using her pasta machine.
I would love to have a few friends over for dinner this weekend and show off my beautiful table and centerpiece display. I'll use those pretty note cards I bought from Delecto Art to invite them.
Then I'll set the table and add a playful touch by tying on the place cards to teacups with this rickrack ribbon from WoodstreamPapery.
Once we've enjoyed our meal, I plan to surprise each of my dear friends with an eco-friendly flower from WoodstreamDream!
Jean decided to make sure she had all of the lasagna ingredients. As she crossed the kitchen and passed her craft room door, she was suddenly distracted when, out of the corner of her eye she saw something that looked like it was crawling on the floor!! Shocked and a little scared, she edged into the craft room, broom in hand and ready for battle, to see what had caught her eye. Whatever it had been was near her sewing table and so she slowly creeped her way there. Bending over, the broom held in front of her, she quickly moved the chair out of the way, expecting a creature out of her nightmares to attack. Instead, she just doubled over and started to laugh and laugh and laugh. How silly she felt! Here she was with a broom held out like she was about to be in a knock-down drag-out fight for her life and what she found was a...dust bunny!
After wiping the tears of her laughter and blowing her nose, she got the dust pan out of the pantry and started sweeping her craft room. As she went to toss the family of bunnies and the thread and the strands of loose yarn into the trash, she was bummed out to see that her little can was full. She took the mess to the kitchen to dispose of it. She returned her trusty dragon-slaying broom to the pantry and reached into her gorgeous grocery bag holder to get a new bag for her little can.
"Man, these grocery bags really come in handy when I need a trash can liner," she thought. "I'm low and I need to get some more. Good thing I'm going to the store later!"
Jean now turns on the her CD player and puts on her favorite oldies music and sits down on her comfy sofa and begins to write out her invitations, she pours another cup of tea, sipping and humming to the soft tunes of Frank Sanatra and Dean Martin.
We hope you enjoyed our cliffhanger story. Tune in next week to find out what Jean gets in her mailbox!
Contest Corner
Introducing two great giveaways for you this week. You will now have the opportunity to win two prizes from the Markets of Sunshine artists and sponsors. This week we bring you our featured sponsor Mary Jane's Farm and our featured artist Kallie's Cotton.
a Rafflecopter giveaway