Friday, January 3, 2020

1000 Subscribers On YouTube Giveaway Contest

Why use a boring paper clip when you can jazz up your pages with something decorative and cute, like this adorable tea pot bookmark made from an ordinary paper clip.  Can you tell?

I made a goal for the new year of 2020 to reach 1000 subscribers on my YouTube channel.

So, I'm making a video every other day featuring items in my Etsy shop, Markets Of Sunshine.

I hope you will subscribe to my channel and help me reach my goal quicker.  When I do reach 1000 subscribers I will do a giveaway here on my blog with a gift set of goodies from my shop valued at $100.00 and it will be open to all subscribers worldwide!

In order for me to reach my goal I'll need some help getting the word out.  If you would be so kind and share this post using the social media buttons.  Or, just copy and paste the link on to your social media page.

Feel free to browse my Etsy shop and leave a comment below with your favorite item or items and I'll be sure to include something from that product line in the giveaway collection.  Who knows you might just be the winner.

Why is reaching 1000 subscribers so important to me in 2020?  Well, I'll tell you the truth.  It's getting harder and harder to reach people and get them to my Etsy shop.  When folks see my items in person they drool and buy something on the spot.

But, looking at a picture just doesn't give you the hands on experience like a video does.  So, making a video of each of my products gives you a live presentation and is almost like seeing it in person.

If you are a customer and already know how much you love my products could you do me a huge favor and leave a comment below sharing your feelings?

I know my 5 star feedback rating in my Etsy shop speaks volumes too.  But, it would be really nice to hear from you here on my blog too.

Thanks so much for your wonderful support to my small handmade business.

Sending You Sunshine,


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