Introducing the "Blooming Gifts" Collection!
A collection of amazing handmade cards and envelopes made from recycled paper and seeds that grow when you plant them.
You'll find them here at: Markets Of Sunshine
A collection of amazing handmade cards and envelopes made from recycled paper and seeds that grow when you plant them.
You'll find them here at: Markets Of Sunshine
By: Marsha Jaramillo
Welcome to the "Hero Adventures" weekly posts coming to you from a Florida born native, Marsha Jaramillo. I'm the owner of Markets Of Sunshine a sunny little handmade business featuring budgeting and organizing products for the adventurous woman. I also own a little vintage shop called, Pioneer Fundraiser where my husband and I curate hand picked fabulous vintage gifts we find in our travels at local estate sales and thrift stores.
I'd like to welcome my newest reader's to your 'happy place' away from the stresses of everyday life.
Follow along with me each week as I present fun challenges that will help you reduce the clutter and end the stress in your life one day at a time. You'll also find that I share with you what has helped me to stay focused on my goals and how I reach them even though I live with a debilitating chronic illness. So, if I can do it, you can too!
If you recall I started off the new year with a challenge called #52weeksnailmailchallenge
Well we are at week 39 and there are only 13 weeks left in 2018 to complete this amazing challenge.
It has taught me to stretch my limits just a wee bit and to go outside of my comfort zone to give cards to those that I know but are not close to. I enjoyed sharing in their life celebrations of reaching milestones such as graduation high school and dedicating their life to serve God and symbolizing it through water baptism. Of course, there have been those heart-breaking life challenges of enduring the pain and sorrow of losing a loved one in death. Or, suffering from a sudden life threatening illness.
All of these occasions have given me the opportunity to think of someone else and give the gift of love through a handmade card with a hand written note. I think there are still some out there who know how to read cursive writing, the style in which I write my messages.
I am delighted with my subscription to Stampin Ups! Paper Pumpkin card making kit. The months that I did not want to receive a box I just called them up and suspended my subscription for that month. And, it automatically resumes the following month so I can receive my next shipment and enjoy the goodies inside.
I will be receiving my October box in a few weeks. I'll show you what came inside and the beautiful cards I made and sent out to friends for weeks 39 to 42.
Be the Hero in your own Adventure and reach your goals one day at a time.
Sending You Sunshine,
Marsha J.
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