Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Year, New You! - How Do You Survive Winter Blues?

A new year, a new you!  How do you survive the winter blues?  Living in Florida is not the place that you would think of having the winter blues hit you, but for some it does.  For the rest of the country where it gets really cold and snows killing all plant life that is not of the evergreen variety makes life pretty bleak to say the least.
So, lets focus on how to make it through the winter by focusing on what you accomplished in 2014.  I am borrowing this system from a fellow blogger because I needed to get my personal life and business life to mesh better in 2015 than in past years.

Here are 10 questions for you to get you started on this fun and motivating way to beat the winter blues.  We all have negative things that impact our life.  Don't focus on these, focus on the positive and how you work through them despite the limitations you now have.  Get out paper and pen and write down these 10 questions and your answers and reflect and review them for a new year and a new your in 2015!

What was time very well spent in 2014?
I really liked having the feeling of 'normal' back in my life after suffering for 8 years with Lyme disease with a doctor that could not move me forward.  I can now enjoy spending time with my family and friends out of the house without feeling terrified something awful is going to happen to me.
What was money very well spent in 2014?
Being able to afford the ongoing medical costs in addition to our regular daily necessities is a very good feeling.  The budget had to be tightened in more ways than one but we did it and managed to complete the year alive and thriving!
What are your favorite memories of 2014?
Being able to attend my Christian meetings again on a regular weekly basis are my favorite memories for 2014!
What did you accomplish or complete in 2014?
I have been able to keep up with a regular routine and that is a huge accomplishment for me.  When things are not planned and a schedule is not followed I feel lost and that I didn't do what needed to be done each day.
Did you make any progress on long-term goals?
I have had a life time goal of doing more in my volunteer work in the community helping people understand the bible better and draw close to God through free home bible study programs.  I now spend 70 hours a month doing just that and it feels wonderful!
What felt successful about the year as a whole?
We had 2 job losses at the end of the year.  We had been planning to adjust our secular priorities as a family in March of 2015.  But, it just happened a little sooner than we had planned and that was okay.  We relied totally on God for his help and he got us through the tough times without a scare.
Did you overcome an obstacles or mental blocks this year?
My chronic health issues are my biggest obstacle to overcome.  The one that is my thorn in the flesh so to speak is my eczema on and in my ears.  There is no cure once you get eczema so you just have to deal with it the best you can.  After, dealing with this for 5 years I was ready to go out of my mind.  So, I begged my doctor for his advise.  He recommended Calendula.  Well, I am happy to report that it is working. 
Along, with the calendula salve and homeopathic liquid 30 c that I use daily he gave me essential fatty acids that are plant based.  It has been 8 weeks and I can now see big and regular improvements.  Now, my biggest challenge is to have self-control and not pick at the ears like I had been doing.
What did you learn about yourself after all that happened in 2014?
I don't have as much self-control as I thought I did.  It seems that I developed an OCD type habit when it comes to my ears.  So, with prayer and much discipline I have stopped picking at my ears for a total of 3 days now and amazing things are happening.  My ears are healing as well as my scalp.  I also have Lyme disease and it caused pain in the ears and I suspect it is what brought on the eczema their in the first place.
We are not pillars or islands unto ourselves.  The bible is very clear on that score.  He or she who thinks she is standing, they are before a fall.  So, ever time the ears itch or get a sudden unbearable pain I do not touch them instead I pray and do something to distract me from focusing on them. 
Who nurture or supported you most this year?
Without  doubt reading God's word daily and my weekly congregation meetings is what gave me my nurturing and support.  The wonderful spiritual support is my life-line.  My family and friends continue to give me physical and emotional support and nurturing that has helped me to have the will to keep surviving and thriving.
Who did you enjoy nurturing and supporting?
That would have to be my husband and daughter.  Since, I can no longer drive and I don't have the energy and stamina that I used to I am very limited on the help I can offer other's in a physical way.  I gladly give gifts and words of wisdom when they are sought out. 

So, there you have my approach to a new year and a new you to survive the winter blues.

The best is yet to come.  Here is to a new year and a new you!  Want to make 2015 the best year for your business?   Sign-Up For Our Weekly Newsletter Here!  We'll send you a free printable daily calendar page after you sign-up.

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Sending You Sunshine,


1 comment:

  1. Let me know how you do with this formula to beat the winter blues.
