Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Blog Hop Launches February 29th

I know you have all been waiting for our blog hop and gift basket giveaway.  Well, we will be launching it on February 29th!  As a reminder here is a list of the featured shops giveaway handmade products in our drawing.  ArtsyPaperieShoppe, Bloomingtailsdogduds, CountryCents, EastwoodDesignsNH, JustSlightlyVintage, MarketsofSunshine, MySecretCompartments and ParadiseGiftsClub.

Markets of Sunshine would like to invite you to try one of our Eco-Gift Bag Collection's.  We offer 3 options for you to choose from.  Our Secret Compartment collection features 1 hollow book and journal for $35 (includes shipping in USA) Our Get Organized collection features 1 weekly planner and journal for $35 (shipping included in USA) and our Stationery Boxed Set collection, features 1 stationery box and 10 note cards for $35 (shipping included in USA)  

VIP Sunshine Club
As seen in the above video you can join our VIP Sunshine Club, click here.

Eco-Gift Bag Collection
Visit our MarketsofSunshine Etsy shop to buy one of our Eco-Gift Bag Collections.

Etsy Artisan Interviews
If you would like to be featured on our Etsy Artisan interview page hop on over and check it out click here.

Open an Etsy Shop
Read about how to open an Etsy shop with 40 free listings, click here.

I appreciate you stopping by today and hope you'll enter our blog hop next Monday.

Sending You Sunshine,

Marsha J.


  1. I'm elated at the growth of this Team, and we're clearly getting out of it what we put into it, meaning more sales. Thanks so much, Marsha!!

  2. February 29! just a few days more, so excited as well!

  3. Promoting this on our social media for you. Hopefully lots of people will join the fun!
